Opt-out Requests

You must contact your Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) if you choose to opt out of the program. Opt-out requests can only be processed by your CCA. CCAs are required to inform you of the opt-out methods available while your area is transitioning to CCA service for the first time or when you start electric service within an existing CCA area.

Clean Energy Alliance customers can opt out by visiting their website(link is external) or calling 1-833-232-3110.

San Diego Community Power customers can opt out by visiting their website or calling 1-888-382-0169.

Opt-out of CCA, return to SDG&E

You may request to opt-out of a CCA beginning at least 60 days before your account is scheduled to switch to a CCA provider or after the initial 60-day enrollment period at any time. After 60 days of CCA service, there may be charges or conditions from SDG&E or the CCA.  

Opting Out within the 60 Day Enrollment Period 

Opt-outs will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle. If you request to opt out of a CCA program and your CCA sends SDG&E the request less than five days before your meter-read date, you may see an additional month of CCA charges on your bill.  

  • You will then be returned to SDG&E’s bundled service on your next scheduled meter-read date.  
  • SDG&E will continue to provide the transmission and distribution services and resume procuring electric generation for you. 

Opting Out after the 60 Day Enrollment Period 

If you opt-out of CCA after 60 days of CCA enrollment, you’ll be required to make a twelve-month commitment to SDG&E’s bundled service.  

Return to SDG&E with Six Months Advance Notice.  

To opt out, you should contact your CCA at least six months before the date you want to return to SDG&E’s bundled Service(BPS). SDG&E needs six months advance notice to procure electricity on your behalf.   

A 6-Month Advance Notice to Return to BPS opt-out request is submitted on your behalf by your CCA. 

Returning to SDG&E without Six Months Advance Notice 

You may immediately return to SDG&E bundled service without six months’ notice. You’ll be billed on SDG&E’s transitional bundled rate (TBS) until six months after we receive the opt-out service request from your CCA.  The TBS rate may be higher or lower than the bundled electric generation rate. After the six month TBS period is complete, you’ll pay the bundled electric generation rate, like SDG&E customers in your customer class (residential or business). 

If you opt-out of CCA after 60-days CCA enrollment, you’ll be required to make a twelve-month commitment to SDG&E’s bundled service.  Time spent on the TBS rate counts towards the one-year commitment. 

Returning to CCA Service

If you’ve previously opted-out of your CCA program, you may return to the CCA, after the twelve-month bundled service commitment has been met.  We request that you notify your CCA to provide six months advance notice if you are planning to return to the CCA. 

Returning to CCA Service

If you’ve previously opted-out of your CCA program, you may return to the CCA, after the twelve-month bundled service commitment has been met.  We request that you notify your CCA to provide six months advance notice if you are planning to return to the CCA. 

Please Note: Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Solar Billing Plan (SBP) customers will true up when they switch providers due to SDG&E’s NEM tariff, as approved by the California Public Utilities Commission. The tariff states that a true-up must occur for NEM/SBP customers at the time of their transition to a new electric service provider. This true-up results in a new anniversary date.